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Module 1: Breaking Up with the Bosses

Sep 4, 2024 - Dec 4, 2024

  • 6 Steps


This first module of a three-part course introduces the concept of creative entrepreneurship, highlighting the benefits of becoming your own boss. We emphasize the importance of mindset shifts necessary to transform from employee to entrepreneur, overcoming traditional workspaces, and provide practical steps for a successful transition. After this module, you will: - Understand what it means to be a creative entrepreneur. - Recognize the benefits and challenges of being your own boss. - Develop an entrepreneurial mindset, embracing responsibilities & weirdness of solopreneurship. - Identify constraints of traditional workspaces & learn strategies to transition to a flow schedule. - Plan a practical exit from traditional employment with financial preparedness & support systems. - Create a personalized transition plan using provided tools & resources.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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